Sunday, August 10, 2008

GOING LOCAL Week: a sweet stay-cation for your appetite

The Goose loves a party, and there's no sweeter celebration than the one in your own backyard. So we're proud to spread the word about a celebration of local bounty ripe from Hoosier soil and Hoosier hands.

From Aug. 31 to Sept. 6, GOING LOCAL Week is a one week challenge to eat at least one locally grown or produced food at each meal during the seven day event.

The objectives of GOING LOCAL Week are to:

  • Create an appreciation for the abundance and diversity of the Indiana food shed.
  • Make Indiana citizens more aware of the availability of local foods in their own communities.
  • Provide support and recognition for Indiana local food producers.
  • Increase Indiana residents’ consumption of locally grown/produced foods in a long term effort to encourage them to regularly purchase more locally produced items for their weekly meals so that the eating of Indiana locally grown and produced foods will become the norm--not a novelty--at Hoosier dinner tables across the state.

Eating local makes for a healthier environment, economy, and citizens. Oh, and it tastes good, too. For a little meal-time inspiration, get recipes from Chris and check out some juicy pictures of what fellow Goose customers put on the table with local ingredients from the Goose.

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